WMS 2017 Scholarship Program
- To expose high school juniors and seniors to Gilbert & Sullivan, the arts, the social/political issues of Victorian England and how those issues relate to society today
- To be an example of community, business, and school cooperation
Scholarship Application and Submission
- Any high school Junior or Senior in western Michigan may apply and no purchase is necessary
- Students are encouraged to attend a performance of Gilbert & Sullivan’s, Ruddigore, at the Wealthy Theatre and bring a parent, relative, or friend; however it is not a requirement
- Students may attend the Thursday night performance (April 27, 2017) at no charge. Just check in at the scholarship registration table located in the theater lobby and receive your application
- Alternatively a student may attend another performance between April 28 and April 30, 2017, or study the show with a friend, parent, or relative. Scholarship applications will be available at every performance
- By May 13, 2017, you must submit your application form along with a paper (800 to 1200 words) including your thoughts and comments on the following points:
- Your discussions with your Teacher Sponsor, other teachers, friends, and relatives about the show
- Contrast your impressions of the show with one or more people you saw it with or discussed it with
- What political and/or social issues from Victorian England were brought out?
- Elaborate on whether these issues exist in American society today
- How did the show relate to a high school class you are taking such as English, History, Government, Literature, Music, or Drama? Include examples
- Attach your signed application form to your paper and mail to:
West Michigan Savoyards
c/o Bill McAndrew
12 W 38th St.
Holland, MI 49423
- All submissions must be postmarked by May 13, 2017. No exceptions.
- Properly signed electronic submissions can be sent to:
Our email address
- Judging will be done by volunteers from the West Michigan Savoyards and/or area high schools
- It is recognized that there may be many excellent papers submitted for a limited number of scholarships. Finalist and/or Honorable Mention awards will be given. Judges decisions are final.
- A minimum of one $1000 scholarship will be awarded which can be used to offset costs at the college, university, or trade school of the recipient’s choosing
- Additional scholarships ranging from $100 to $500 will be awarded based upon participation and support from schools and businesses
- Scholarship funding comes from the WMS general fund, patron donations, foundation grants, and local businesses
The West Michigan Savoyards is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization and all donations are fully tax deductible as allowed by law.